Thanks for a really interesting post that I think really speaks to both of the other posts this week already. If Nicolas' contribution tackles the issue of operationalizing game content, here you approach the same topic from the angle of hardware, a ...
Great post, Shane. I've just recently been hearing a lot about the new Magic the Gathering digital release that is part of a really successful transition from physical to digital (here a collectible card game). What struck me is that the descriptions ...
Great post, John! There are so so many problematic aspects of the VGA's it's hard to even know where to begin, but I think you hit on some of the main issues at stake here. However, I would suggest that while you seem worried about how the VGAs ...
Matt- Your questions suggest what I find to be one of the main limitations of the idea of paratexts, which is determining where the "core" text ends and where paratext begins. Transmedia storytelling is a good example of how the dispersal of in ...
Excellent post, Nina, and a fascinating video. Game testing is something that has been on my mind a lot recently, mostly because I'm talking about it at a conference next month. The industry's "work-as-play" rhetoric is strong, and tes ...
Great post, Ian! Where my mind immediately headed (as is often the case) is to video games. Gamers have been rallying strongly for Japanese relief efforts because of the country's role in their favorite hobby. I would suggest it runs deeper than thi ...
Great post and some really thought-provoking comments. Just thought I would chime in to follow Karen’s questions about the potential impact of new media. Without hijacking this TV focused conversation, suffice it to say that the video game industry is at ...
Nedda, you've hit on one of the major downsides of online gaming. Xbox Live in particular has a bad reputation for unpleasant and offensive speech, especially in certain games. To be fair, Microsoft does have a comprehensive system of parental contro ...
Emily, you're right in noting that Julias's mother positions her sons access to Xbox Live as a sort of civil right, which brings up all kinds of questions about what roles these types of services play today. Legally, it is in no way a "righ ...
A few scattered thoughts here: Music in games has a lot of added difficulties that are not present in film or television which mostly revolve around pacing. Music in film and TV emphasizes and aids the pace set by the other elements of the medium, but the ...
As commenter
Domestication and Market Expansion
Insularity and Irrelevance
Paratextual limits and subcultural capital
Beta benefits and data-mining
Gamers Heart Japan
Measuring New Media
Perils of Xbox Live
Rights and Knowledge
Music and Pacing