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Journal of Videographic Film & Moving Image Studies, 8.1, 2021
Welcome to [in]Transition’s first issue of 2021, 8.1. This issue features a variety of peer-reviewed videographic work, ranging from topics such as segregation and coffee sets in Brazil in Que horas ela volta (The Second Mother, Anna Muylaert, 2015); decay in essay films such as Journey to Italy (Roberto Rossellini, 1954), Rock Hudson’s Home Movies (Mark Rappaport, 1992), and Decasia (Bill Morrison, 2002); metaphorical nymphs in both Mnemosyne Atlas (Aby Warburg, 1924–1929) and Histoire(s) du Cinéma (Jean-Luc Godard, 1998); sleeping figures in Wong Kar-wai’s films; and desktop documentary on the newly-restored Distant Journey (Daleká cesta, Alfréd Radok, 1948).
Due to delays around the global pandemic, we were able to publish three issues last year, ending with issue 7.3. We appreciate all of our contributors', reviewers', and readers' patience as the editors have worked on a delayed pandemic schedule, and we enthusiastically look forward to viewing and engaging with future submissions of videographic work.