[in]Transition has moved! New content, as well as all archived issues, can be found at https://intransition.openlibhums.org/.

Journal of Videographic Film & Moving Image Studies, 1.4, 2014
A collaboration between MediaCommons and the Society for Cinema and Media Studies’ official publication, Cinema Journal, [in]Transition is the first peer-reviewed academic periodical specifically given over to videographic film and moving image studies.
In this our first year of publication, the [in]Transition co-editors are taking turns editing special themed issues in which guest curators offer critical reflections on selected videographic work. Issue #1.4 is devoted to reflections on the overlap between the video essay and Hollywood.
We are delighted to announce that [in]Transition is now accepting submissions of videographic work for peer-reviewed publication in subsequent issues, beginning with issue #2.1 (2015). You can find out further information about this by clicking on the Contribute to [in]Transition tab above.
Drew Morton
Editor, [in]Transition 1.4, December 2014