Dear Lisa: Thanks for such a generative post! While reading it, many things came to mind. I was curious about how Netflix went about deciding which of their 'original' shows would travel globally, and get dubbed in multiple languages. For a coun ...
Fan, your comment about the impact of these practices on fan communities is an important one. Lisa and I have researched fan subbing practices on Viki. Here, subbing in a key way of engaging and creating (tiered) fan communities. For example,fan-subbers h ...
I think would be important think further about the role of language learning in generating or sedimenting fandom For example, DramaFever now supplies paratexts so you can learn favorite K-drama phrases or sentences. This is done to increase engagement, an ...
Dear Brianna; Thanks for your observations. I was quite taken by the way the clip mobilizes different temporalities and spaces, its banning in France, its screening in the Pentagon, the Oscar and Venice prizes, mapping the film's transnational itine ...
Dear Vincent: I very much enjoyed reading your post. I was curious about the history/historiography of the conjunction between Kabbalah and Yoga. Could you elaborate on that? Also, where and how does this video fit into Kevin Weaver's previous wo ...
Dear Matthew: Thanks for your observations. The clip that you've posted is quite intriguing. There is, as you suggest, the potential to control time--in the ability to time one's death. Yet given the majority of the members in the board room a ...
Dear Suzanne: I liked the analytical links you made between burning of the DVDs and DVD-burning, and then the subsequent blurring of the boundaries between state and citizen and original copy. On the issue of state and citizen as well as original and cop ...
Dear Jasmine: I liked reading your post. I'd like to know more about many of the issues that you have outlined above: Could you elaborate on the history of OMB's emergence, in particular the link to the U.S. organization? How are "pirates ...
As commenter
Translation and Dubbing
Dubbing vs. Subbing?
Language Learning
Battle of Algiers
Kabbalah Yoga
Time, Death and DVDS
Salman's Stardom
DVD Piracy and Cultural Production in Manila