This makes me think of the digital communities that emerge within hybrid in-person/distance learning classrooms. Kind of like passing folded paper notes in classrooms of yester-decade, these sub-discourse groups engage an ongoing commentary concurrent wit ...
I'm sure that as networking tech becomes more affordable- and connectivity grows more fluid- the space between participants will be less apparent. Discussion through simultaneously typed "chat" presents interesting issues in that the partic ...
Refreshing thoughts- especially when you ackowledge the overlap between the academy and the workplace. One nagging constant throughout my education has been the dualism between my occupation and my studies. When a conenction between the two exists (and I& ...
The most intriguing element of this question is the term "scholar." Is it fair to say that our interpretation of its significance and meaning precedes how we identify the scholar's relationship to the community? Perhaps I'm misreading ...
During severe winter storms back home in Milwaukee, it always amazed me whenever the bands of mercenary shovelers, car-pushers, and neighbors suddenly emerged to dig one another out from under the buried city. However, it was disappointing when these temp ...
As commenter
Passing Notes in Class
Simultaneous eComposition
Multidisciplinary Disciplines
Definition of Scholar?
Communities and struggle