Null_Sets Demo Video

Curator's Note

when i started to make glitch work, i was enraptured by the dirty aesthetic of it. the encompassing sense that what i was doing was predicated on a revolt of archival, punk-ish vandalism. everyone else i knew was making experimental documentaries about the sky, or their dead grandmothers, or the plight of the indigenous maltese falcon; and i got to be a digital hit man, assassinating codecs and making an unusable archival future. i was different, my passions were different. i, like a love-sick fool, relished exception for exception’s sake. 

then i began working with other glitch artists. people who, for their own reasons, identified something within the glitch that represented portions of their own identities. soon it wasn’t enough to call something hacked and call it a day. i had to dig a bit deeper. what specifically was punk rock about a bit of inexpressible hex code? what is viable out of that which cannot be read? 

for me, it all comes back to language. glitches are entropic systems being expressed and interpreted rationally. we give them names, we give them attributes, we deem gifs to be cool and datamoshing to be weak. we recognize colors, we make allegories to our own pasts and hopes for the future. looking at a glitch is like reading tea leaves for me now. i don’t see punk rock vandalism anymore, because i no longer wish to be a punk rock vandal. i see my own inabilities. my own language faltering at the precipice. now, when i see a glitch, i see a cherished weakness, much like the cherished weakness of trying to tell someone you love them, and lacking the right phonemes. 




"we give them names, we give them attributes, we deem gifs to be cool and datamoshing to be weak" ...nice ;) hi evan, some great opening sentiments here ^_^ "soon it wasn’t enough to call something hacked and call it a day" ❮❮❮ perfect + "for me, it all comes back to language [...] i see my own inabilities. my own language faltering at the precipice. i see a cherished weakness, much like the cherished weakness of trying to tell someone you love them, and lacking the right phonemes." I ❤ this idea, 'cherished weakness' is definitely a perspective I can relate to + can be applied to other systems beyond language. Is this (in part) the impetus for null_sets? Even though written language is obviously a big part of the project, I hadn't initial read it this way... it seemed to be more about data-visualization. By that I mean that it seemed more concerned with what patterns emerge when transcoded into glitch-mosaic that may not have been visible prior, rather than cherishing those phoneme-drop moments. What do you think? on another note I'm also interested in the interactive and/or participatory aspect here... but perhaps that's a separate comment

"looking at a glitch is like reading tea leaves for me now. i don’t see punk rock vandalism anymore, because i no longer wish to be a punk rock vandal." "now, when i see a glitch, i see...." "i got to be a digital hit man, assassinating codecs and making an unusable archival future. i was different, my passions were different." "soon it wasn’t enough to call something hacked and call it a day. " ^^^^^For me, these statements provide a profound sense of momentum. You can grow up with glitch, you can feel low with glitch, you can express all kinds of things through its materiality and in return be rewarded by what it can give you. I think your practice in particular is one that can be looked at, analyzed, felt, and utilized in a variety of different spaces. It's beautiful and I feel it. Since glitches appear to / provoke us everywhere, in all aspects of our lives, I wonder if it is them that is growing with us or us that is growing through them.

Indeed, to all the above comments. Another thing that strikes me is how much humor there is in all these pieces, or if not in the immediate text of the work, in their presentation. OR how open to play the work can be (I won't bore you with all the silly things I put into the nullsets generator). Experimental film was often hilarious, but the canon often had the humor sucked out of it*. That playfulness fled to the underground film avenues** (which Shawné's piece definitely harkens back to in terms of its transgressive vibe), but maybe the elusive comic muse rests here for a while. *, ** [citation needed]

Ye$!!!¡¡¡ i've thought a lot about the idea of transcoding text into image. it makes a lot of sense to me to think crossover between spoken/written language and images. i'm really glad to see you you've developed a way to input any text and output images content. what interests me about the concept is that the machines see it one way and we see something else - we read different things but they are made up of the same materials now: data_s

A lost pixel, a dropped packet, a runaway loop, a minor fault that needs to be rectified - I finally arrive to the screen late to take my position. My meatbody overflowed it's stack while trying to sing a karaoke duet with each of you and your thoughts. I am mesmerized by the beauty found in these digital liminal spaces I once found in the tangible world. You all are good at doing what you are not supposed to and turning it into a study of the the punky underground language that makes the visual. And what I am trying to say is....thank you all for exposing the world of GLI.TC/H. Stay tuned for a link to a video of Evan Meaney's Cebias playing in The Window Project - Running a 6 channel public video installation every night from dusk until dawn is fraught with glitches and I was happy to have Evan's work play because it is fantastic and is also a commentary on The Window Project and it's own glitches.

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