

#Alt-Academy takes a grass-roots, bottom-up, publish-then-filter approach to community-building and networked scholarly communication around the theme of unconventional or alternative careers for people with academic training. If the idea is new to you, don’t miss this introductory cluster that helps to set the scope, stakes, and structure of the conversation.

The site's coordinating editor is Katina Rogers of the Futures Initiative at the Graduate Center, CUNY, but this MediaCommons project is the work of many hands.

What is "#alt-ac?" What do we mean by that troubling word, "alternative?" You can learn more here.

If you have something to say about the #alt-ac track — especially as informed by training in the humanities, cultural heritage, or information science and technology — or if you want to share creative and critical work from an alternative perspective, we invite you to contribute!

See "How It Works" to get started.

January 2014 update: New growth at #Alt-Academy!

Katina Rogers, Coordinating Editor
Bethany Nowviskie, Founding Editor

Publication Status: 