Digital Humanities scholarship tends to be overwhelmingly weighted toward young, predominantly - though not exclusively - white scholars working within Western contexts and institutions, producing on the one hand a bit of an echo effect, on the other hand an academic variation on the digital divide, wherein important perspectives have tremendous difficulty being heard, or else are noted only for their "otherness." With this survey, we want to extend opportunities to non-western digital humanities scholars, as well as digital humanities scholars focused on non-dominant communities and practices to address the stakes in maintaining this "divide."
To further consider what the digital divide looks like, we invited and sent a call for responses out to educators, scholars, and archivists to ask where they have seen the digital divide in their own work. Responses include those of educators working with underrepresented student bodies, considerations on how web 2.0 has changed the representation of marginal populations online, the reuse and recycling of technology across populations, and the meta-questioning of the term and concept of the digital divide.
Here is the schedule for our four-week look at the digital divide.
March 18: Liz Ellcessor, Indiana University
March 19: Susan Henthorn, Berea College
March 20: Radhika Gajjala, Bowling Green State University
March 21: Christopher McConnell, University of Texas-Austin
March 22: Brandon Arroyo, Concordia University
March 25: Joseph Strauhaar, University of Texas-Austin
March 26: Kris Purzicki, Old Dominion University
March 27: Delores Phillips, Old Dominion University
March 28: Ben Aslinger, Bentley University
March 29: Elizabeth Lundberg, University of Iowa
April 1: Faye Ginsburg, New York University
April 2: Angelica Huizar, Old Dominion University
April 3: Kaia Shivers, Rutgers University
April 4: Collaborative Responses, University of California-Riverside
April 5: Collaborative Responses, University of California-Riverside
April 8-12
A collection of responses from grad students at the University of Southern California, under the direction of Tara McPherson.
Image on front page by matteopenzo and available on Flickr.
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