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Journal of Videographic Film & Moving Image Studies, 9.2, 2022
Welcome to issue 9.2 of [in]Transition, which features seven pieces of peer-reviewed videographic work on the following topics: U.S. lifestyle television and the racist histories beneath some of its surfaces; a sensuous exploration of the films of French-Senegalese writer-director Alain Gomis; the persistent figure of the cinematic woman artist; a career trajectory investigation of U.K. actor Alan Bates, centering on one of his movie roles in particular; the nostalgia and disenchantment of mainstream contemporary science fiction films; the SundanceTV series Rectify and its rich storytelling techniques and themes; and a survey of live-action filmic representations of the comic book villain, the Joker.
As always, we invite our readers to add their own reflective comments to the entries in this issue as well as to consider submitting their own videographic scholarship and criticism to our journal. You can review our submission guidelines here.