[in]Transition has moved! New content, as well as all archived issues, can be found at https://intransition.openlibhums.org/.

Journal of Videographic Film & Moving Image Studies, 1.1, 2014
Welcome to [in]Transition. A collaboration between MediaCommons and the Society for Cinema and Media Studies’ official publication, Cinema Journal, [in]Transition is the first peer-reviewed academic periodical specifically given over to videographic film and moving image studies.
In this, the first issue of the journal, each [in]Transition co-editor has curated his or her individual choice of a video or video series in order to reflect, across the issue as a whole, a range of different approaches to this evolving format.
We are also delighted to be able to present, for the first time in an integral version online, Laura Mulvey’s 2013 remix of her 2003 visual analysis of a fragment of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Howard Hawks 1953).
Catherine Grant, Christian Keathley and Drew Morton
Co-editors of [in]Transition
March 2014