Dee Harvey
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As commenter
Eggs age over time
ByThe ad identifies something important about how women's lives are popularly conceived- that there is plan already in place of all the things you need to get done. I remember as a teenager talking to two friends who couldn't wait until they had g ... -
The Happy Ever After
By"I wonder, too, if this is somehow bound up with the persistent idea that motherhood marks the end point- the 'happy ever after'- for contemporary women" Yes, very much so. There is a certain tyranny implicit in the idea that the only ... -
jealous, bitter, and resentful
ByThis is the stereotype of the infertile woman. Just add in irrational and you've got everything. Athough I suppose that is impled in the word "woman". I haven't seen this show (yet), so thank you for your comment on it. Looking forward ... -
Is it biological or fiscal?
ByThis is such a great question. There are many couples for whom fertility can only be achieved at the cost of tens of thousands of pounds. In the US, I suspect the figures involved are even higher. On the NHS the recommendation from the National Institute ... -
This is wonderful
ByThis zine is really great, thanks so much for putting it together. I have downloaded it for later perusing. The first thing that jumped out at me was the "persistent patient who refuses to give up on her dreams of becoming a mother". This idea o ... -
I remember Go Fetch It
ByWhich was a board game you played using an audio tape. It was a kid's game with a much cleaner and more sanitised look & feel to the branding. My friends and I (who were really too old for Go Fetch It at 11 & 12) used to record our own tapes ...