I think you've hit on an interesting tension in the film, one between showing white male privilege and reifying it. My first impression of the pretty terrible depiction of Asian women in the film-- especially compared to the other two women played by ...
That's exactly the question, and clearly there's no right answer. Exaggeration is important. It brings into sharper focus problems otherwise hidden, because we don't like to talk about them. Realism is necessary is lure people into the stor ...
The web TV aspect of this is the most fascinating. In some ways it's already easier to get original web content than traditional TV content through a web TV device, and many in the web series market believe their early entry might be an advantage. I& ...
Exactly, and I think the big question is whether web content will ever be "the movies" (movies are still at the top of our cultural hierarchy, though TV's catching up and the web still way behind). In every cultural product there's a s ...
I can't wait for 'Law & Order: EIU'! 'Law & Order: Parking Patrol' was an instant classic. I think you're right. I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt because it actually looked like they were changing t ...
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CSI: Ann Arbor