Alexandra Juhasz
As contributor
As commenter
While the new design makes visual YouTube and Google's understanding of the site as an entertainment destination that distibutes commercials, this has always been their business model. Sure, many of us did and will use it for other things: teaching, ... -
low key tone
Aniko: I particularly appreciate your mention of the documentary's tone and style which is quite notable. So much of how we have seen the secret histories of socialism/lesbianism rendered in the US has been through fearful/closeted stylisitics of noi ... -
Can a feminist embrace glamour?
While your findings that yes, Gaga embraces the glamourous AND the grotesque seem right on, the question seems a bif off, or at least loadged in a feminism somehow before the post or new feminism Gaga performs. How might we stage a question about Gaga ... -
Re: Phone IS Home
Re: Phone IS Home
GIna: How do you reconcile your experience with homeless and at-risk queer youth with the problems addressed in the youth media activist project " Screen Free Week "? I find this hard! ... -
Re: On Sharing
safe spaces
Jamie: After being so public for so long on and around YouTube, I left the corporate behind and began thinking and working within/about "safe spaces" that looked more like the feminist classrooms I make with my students. You might be interested ...