I’m the Digital Humanities Strategist in the Robert W. Woodruff Library and Lecturer of English at Emory University. In this position, I'm helping establish the new, Mellon Foundation-funded Emory Center for Digital Scholarship (ECDS). Along with developing and managing digital scholarship projects in collaboration with faculty, graduate students, librarians, developers, and more, I teach courses on digital humanities, American literature, and media studies.
I finished my Ph.D at Emory University in 2008, investigating the relationships between technology, media, and psychological trauma. After that, I taught taught modern and contemporary American literature as well as courses on media studies, digital culture, and war fiction for a year at Emory and another year at Clemson. Following that, I was Emory’s first CLIR Postdoctoral Fellow and Emerging Technologies Librarian. Somewhere in there, I found time to co-edit a journal issue on the subject of steampunk, contribute to the #alt-academy project as an author and editor, and the group blog ProfHacker. I also serve on the Executive Council of the Modern Language Association and the Association for Compueters and the Humanities.
I tweet—on occasion—at @briancroxall.