Heidi Rae Cooley
As contributor
As commenter
Re: Thoroughfare
Re: Thoroughfare
I'm interested in the relation you all have established between what you call a "system of movement" and practices of circumvention. In the moment that the system of movement suffers an obstruction, at what point is one anticipated/expected ... -
Re: Visibility
Re: Visibility
I like that you introduce the notion of blindspots. I'm wondering if they are likewise disciplinary in function. In other words, do blindspots participate in the management of populations? How so or how not? ... -
Re: Consumption
Re: Consumption
Your group introduces "reasonable time" as a function and/or measure of efficiency. I'm wondering how you might elaborate on the notion of reasonableness and relate it to disciplinarity. Or, what might you say about how corporate and indivi ... -
Re: Congregation
Re: Congregation
Your group mentions the possibility of group "disobedience" in public. How are such acts recognized? And how do these event compare to/contrast with what you refer to as "anomalous behavior"? ... -
Re: The Order of Thoroughfares and Other Things
From Evan Meaney (Media Arts) I wonder if this lends more credence to acts like the Situationalist derive or to parkour. They seem like ways to regain or navigate some amount of control over cities in their attempt to control us. Are there any acts (other ... -
Re: Hospitality in Columbia
Yes, hospitality is a disciplinary project. I'm wondering if you might say something about how revitalizatio is also. ... -
Re: "Norm" Behavior
Re: "Norm" Behavior
To what extent is expectation or assumption a disciplinary outcome? That is, what does it mean that you were presumed to be a tourist and that your group were surprised to find Gamecock apparel visible in rooms you presumed to be located in a hotel? ... -
Re: Traffic: Disciplinary Objects
I'd like you to say something more about traffic and smoothness. Specifically, what would Crary say? ... -
Re: Surveillance of Banks
Did you notice anything about the kinds of activity occurring in and around the banks? Is there a particular kind of behavior you might expect? Why? ...