Michael Iantorno is a student in Concordia’s Media Studies (MA) program, an accomplished audio producer, and an avid game hacker. A graduate from Ryerson’s eclectic New Media program, Michael has spent the last ten years working in the Canadian media and broadcast industries. His portfolio includes live, serialized, and documentary-style programming, with a focus on social justice issues and advocacy. His audio projects have been recognized by the RTDNA, NCRA, IAAIS and New York Festivals. In addition to his broadcast work, Michael has produced game projects ranging from Super Nintendo hacks to pen-and-paper campaign settings. His most well-known project, HyperBound, was showcased at Toronto’s Nuit Blanche festival and featured in Anna Anthropy’s book Rise of the Video Game Zinesters. Michael’s research-creation project at Concordia is an interactive documentary that focuses on online game hacking communities. It poses the question: “What motivates game designers to pour countless hours into developing games that are not profitable, unavailable through major distribution networks, and sometimes even illegal?”