Ted Gournelos
As contributor
As commenter
I agree with Craig. The
I agree with Craig. The fascinating thing about this clip is not necessarily its content, but rather its demographic and the process of intercommunication hinted through ironic politics-qua-politics. It gestures to a "truth" many on the left tak ... -
I think the second
I think the second interpretation is very important...it's the "unreleased" or "too hot for TV" strategy, whether or not the RNC actually participated in it directly. I'm reminded of Nina Eliasoph's study of activist gro ... -
Thanks to you all for such
Thanks to you all for such great comments. I'd agree that context is in fact devastating...but so is decontextualization, as Catherine pointed out. Is it more important that www.skinheads.com enjoyed the use of the "n-word" without acknowle ... -
I'd like to make a quick
I'd like to make a quick plug as well...Walid Ra'ad, an artist operating out of New York at the moment, does some fantastic work with his atlas group (www.theatlasgroup.org), in which irony works both with and outside of humor and very emotional ... -
Yes, this is both a
Yes, this is both a brilliant and a brilliantly chosen clip, I think. It does have the potential to galvanize a base, like Amber has pointed out elsewhere in regards to the Yes Men. But I wonder what potential such actions have? Does irony as a political ... -
Thank you Catherine for
Thank you Catherine for bringing this in. It serves as a reminder of how ambiguity is different from ambivalence or dissonance in cultural production, and the limitations of irony (or the bricolage, assemblage, montage, and other forms of cultural appropr ... -
defining "help"
I would agree that we need a lot more attention and funding for the treatment of mental health disorders, but I wonder if it's an either/or situation or a both/and situation here. If people with disorders don't seek treatment or delay treatment, ... -
interesting dilemma
This presents us with a really interesting set of dilemmas. Should we showcase disability? What if the individual doesn't want it showcased? Should someone with a disability be bound to speak for or to a disabled community? In what way? Similarly, is ... -
the trouble with normal
This is a fascinating case study (what a good week!). Like yesterday's post, it brings up a lot of questions about performativity of disability, and whether or not that should be forced. However, in this case it adds a really interesting aspect of &q ...