Changing Trans-Scapes: A Gender Blender Retrospective

Curator's Note

5 years ago in 2017, I started a podcast called Gender Blender with funding from McMaster University. I travelled to different cities in Canada and the States for 4 months, talking to seasoned trans artists, activists, writers, and creators about their lives.

Since I recorded Gender Blender 5 years ago, my voice has changed due to the use of HRT. This clip brings together clips from the original gender blender podcast with new voiceovers. It is an offering and an exploration of how we each move through gender differently, how we birth ourselves as trans people, and how trans-ness is always in motion. It is an inquiry into the changing trans body and landscape.

This is my Trans 101: you get a little taste of trans and queer history, trans and queer activism, and the beauty and fluidity of transness.

Big thanks to Heather Johnson, Stephanie Skora, LaSaia Wade, and Ignacio Rivera, who I featured in this retrospective. Also, a big thanks to Zakir Gowani for making this music 5 years ago!

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