Relocating The Grindhouse: Cinemageddon and Exploitation Cinema In The 21st Century Virtual Communities Contemporary Exploitation Cinema BitTorrent Curator's Note As Bill Landis demonstrated in both the magazine and book iterations of Sleazoid Expres ...
Regarding your musings about the role torture porn plays in the American public's (general) acceptance of torture, I think the reality of the situation is ambivalent. Certainly the Saw series and subsequent torture porn films like Eli Roth's Hos ...
One criticism often leveled at Tarantino is that his films rarely move beyond postmodern pastiche. His films reference any number of prior marginalized, exploitation, and cult films, but rarely do so for reasons beyond aesthetic appeal and titillating cin ...
What I think is particularly interesting about the clip you chose (and specifically the ending fight) is that martial arts only factor into the scene a little. We do get instances of Asian martial arts, such as blocking punches, but it seems that many of ...
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Regarding your musings about
One criticism often leveled
Martial Arts As Subaltern Signifier