Thank you, Drew, for contributing such a thoughtful and thought-provoking post! The technology is, without a doubt, improving, and it's clear that Disney and Marvel have been intentionally including flashback scenes to create an excuse for refining ...
First off, I am glad you've enjoyed participating in the theme week; as I said above, I think you brought a really vital interaction between the MCU and Marvel Comics into the discussion. I completely agree with your argument that many of these swaps ...
The history of near endings for the superhero genre in film is fascinating. As you mention at the top of your post, 2009- following a barrage of mediocre entries that were more sci-fi or action genre formulas with capes attached- felt like a possible endi ...
As you have pointed out, Waititi's mockumentary short is such a rich example of reflexivity. Stan's Soapbox and the Marvel Bullpen have certainly translated to this age of cinematic universes, as the star personas of The Avengers are as importan ...
What an unusual precedence for Warners/DC to set. Even in a film climate where studios are attempting to reflexively satisfy the core fanbases that contribute to their nostalgia-driven franchises, the blatant admittance by Snyder and Warners/DC that the s ...
Your clarification about reflexivity not being preemption or pandering is so important. In the case of Ghostbusters, reflexivity takes on a far more conversational role. As you mentioned, the film is aware of the controversy that led up to its release, so ...
That makes complete sense! In fact, I think you captured exactly what I felt while watching, but could not articulate. Thanks again for the great post and your thoughtful comments, Erica! ...
First off, thank you for taking the time to respond to comments, Geneveive; writing the post is already an extra demand on everyone's schedule, so I understand how commenting is an extra time commitment. Like you, the first time I watched Revenge, t ...
A colleague and I were just talking about this same disappointing trend earlier this week, Sonia. Even outside of horror, so many female directors are industrially blocked from continuing beyond their freshman, sophomore, or junior film, usually ending u ...
Erica, first off, I have to thank you for both widening the conversation this week toward the experimental end of female-directed horror and for giving me a reason to finally watch Possibly in Michigan. In watching the short, a question that came to mi ...
As commenter
Thanks for the response
The history of near endings
That Purple Guy
The Fan Tide
Who you going to call-and-response?
That makes complete sense!
First off, thank you for