Viking English in Contact with Comics comics vikings history of the english language medieval graphic nonfiction I teach a course at Miami University (in Ohio), on the History of the English Language, also known by the acronym HEL. To help tell a very com ...
This is fascinating! In both examples I was reminded of moments in Beowulf. (Is "Jungulf" a reference to the exploits of a "young Beowulf" in the Unferth flyting scene?) It's curious that this verbal battle happens in relative p ...
I wonder how it fits in within your analysis, but the moment that struck me most was the shot from underneath the ships, showing the outline of the hulls and oars in an image that reminded me of microorganisms: the viking longboat as a kind of amoeba with ...
How much more fascinating if the Viking Norse had been the tongue left untranslated and players were put into the position of encountering it as unintelligible from the Mohawk perspective! Of course both languages would be equally unintelligible to the ga ...
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Viking Ships as Microorganisms
Intelligible Vikings