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Munib Rezaie
Independent Scholar
Brian Faucette
Caldwell Community College
ryan howard
University of Sydney
Karan Sheldon
Northeast Historic Film
Susan M. Simkowski
University of Arkansas-Fort SMith
Christopher Bell
Assistant Professor of Communication
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Sarah Winters
Nipissing University
John Slate
city archivist
Corcoran College of Art + Design
Jason Waite
Western Oregon University
Caroline Frick
Founder of the Texas Archive of the Moving Image; currently serving as Curator of Motion Pictures, George Eastman House
quentin kean
Independent Scholar
Afsheen Nomai
Texas Archive of the Moving Image
Anna Froula
East Carolina University
Cathryn R. Leyland
Rochester Institute of Technology
Christina Dunbar-Hester
Rutgers University
caitlin fisher
York University
Alice thomas
Janet H. Murray
Georgia Tech
Margaretha Geertsema
Butler University
Paul Stekler
Univ. of Texas
Christopher Pavsek
Simon Fraser University
Sabrina Barton
University of Texas at Austin
Sheryl Cunningham
Wittenberg University
Jennifer McDonell
University of New England Australia
Marina Zurkow
New York University
Cynthia A Melendy
Colorado Technical University Online
Gretchen Gavett
Simmons College
Paula Carino
Sridhar Rangayan
KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival
Margaret Eleanor Menninger
Texas State University -- San Marcos
Henry Jenkins
University of Southern California
Candice Haddad
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
The New Republic
James Walker
Adam Blanchard
Kelly Stringer
Margaret Thompson
University of Denver
Susan Nance
University of Guelph
ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom
American Library Association
Shawndel Fraser
The Graduate Center - City University of New York
ITESM campus Leon
Steven Walton
Penn State University
Aron Christian
Georgia State University - Department of Communication
Lucas Kho
freelance writer
Alberto Ortiz Flores
Bryan Alexander
Lindee Owens
University of Central Florida
Shelley Bradfield
Colorado State University
Jean Waggoner
College of the Desert, Time to Teach, Inlandia Institute, etc.
Carlin Wing
NYU, Department of Media, Culture and Communications, Doctoral Student
Angela Crow
Georgia Southern University
David Haden
Birmingham City University
Vivien Ng
University at Albany
Victoria Sturtevant
University of Oklahoma
Raul Huerta
Morrisville State College
Josh Grimm
Texas Tech University
Laura McNaughton
University of Saskatchewan
Kristin Dellinger
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
M C Morgan
Bemidji State University
Lisa Uddin
Whitman College
jim stenerson
Pace University
Shawna Kidman
Assistant Professor in Communication
UC San Diego
Dr. Christopher Jennings
Metropolitan State College of Denver
Elizabeth Hansen
Texas Archive of the Moving Image
Clare Holden
Birkbeck University
carissa carman
Concordia University
Joseph Gilbert
UX Web Developer
University of Virginia Library
Bob Stein
Institute for the Future of the Book
Sebastain Heath
New York University
Scott Lockman
Temple University Japan
Erin Copple Smith
Assistant Professor
Austin College
Holly Kruse
Rogers State University
Toby Lee
Harvard University
Alice Bradshaw
Sudhir Mahadevan
University of Washington
Bryce J. Renninger
Rutgers University
Edmond Y. Chang
Assistant Professor of English
Ohio University
Jonathan Strang
University of British Columbia
samuel tobin
Assistant professor of Communications Media and Game Design,
Fitchburg State University
Karen Nipps
Gregory Seigworth
Millersville University
Thomas Ehrich
Serennova LLC
Abby Ohlheiser
Brett Mills
University of East Anglia
Bethan Jones
Aberystwyth University
Lisa Macklem
Southwestern Law School
Debbie Reese
American Indian Studies, University of Illinois
Skadi Loist
Universität Hamburg
Lesley Wright
Victoria University of Wellington
Jennifer L. Pozner
Women In Media & News (WIMN) and author,
Bruce Hudspeth
US Department of State
Larry Lyon
UC Irvine
Ted Friedman
Georgia State University
Gladys Santiago
New York University
Cynthia Brooks
Georgia State University Student
Eric Carpenter
Tina Hanlon
Ferrum College
Jennifer A. Hughes
Young Harris College
Curtis Webster
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
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