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Eleni Ikoniadou
University of East London
Lisa Yallamas
Alex Grech
University of Hull, UK
Andrew Garrison
University of Texas at Austin
Lynette Kessler
Dance Camera West
Tim Murray
Comparative Literature;Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media
Cornell University
Jimmy Miklavcic
Another Language Performing Arts Company/ University of Utah
Christian Primozich
Mososh, Inc.
Thomas A. Tweed
University of Texas at Austin
Bud Blumenthal
Robert Sloan
fish in a bottle
Stephen McGillen
ruth kahn
outpost artists resources/
Ashley Ferro-Murray
University of California, Berkeley
Antonin De Bemels
Independent artist
Shannon Wong Lerner
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Manuel G. Aviles-Santiago
University of Texas at Austin
Abigail Boggs
Cultural Studies Graduate Group, University of California, Davis
Brandeise Monk-Payton
Brown University
stamatia portanova
birkbeck university of london
Norah Zuniga Shaw
The Ohio State University Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design
Nick Fryer
Christine Szuter
Arizona State University
Robert Shea
Communications Lecturer
Saint Mary's College of California
Jean Wolfe
B. Ed (Cantab)
Carlton Reeve
University of Bradford
Simon Rosenberg
Erin Manning
Concordia University
Melissa Mackal
eLearning Advancements
Frederik Hermund
ITU Copenhagen
George Feledichuk
UT Dallas
UCLA Alumni, Oxford Forum
Alanna Thain
Associate Professor
McGill University
René Olsvig Schmidt
William Huber
UC San Diego
Steve Elwart
Koinonia Institute
James Diamond
EDC/Center for Children and Technology
Robert H. Abzug
U of Texas at Austin
Rick Russell
Rice University
Neil Becker
Universiteit Appelhoven
Joanna Bryson
Reader in Artificial Intelligence
University of Bath
Michael Salmons
state of missouri
Donna Hogan
Scott R Lewis
Golden Age Information Architects
kathy heumann
st. mary's hospital
kirk holden
north shore circuit design
Jeffery Higley
UC Berkeley
Eva Vrtačič
University of Ljubljana
Paul Driver
University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Lisa Kohn
Chris Kubica
Rachael Sullivan
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Johanna Pabst
Boston College
Brian Goldfarb
UC San Diego
Elizabeth Heffelfinger
Western Carolina University
Kristine Stiles
Duke University
Heide Solbrig
Bentley University
Evan Heimlich
UC Riverside
Jim Baesler
Old Dominion University
Robert Arnett & Burton St. John
Old Dominion University
Jason Pine
Purchase College - SUNY
Jules Cohn
City University of NY [emeritus professor]
Beretta E. Smith-Shomade
Director of Graduate Studies
Emory University
Kartik Pashupati
Southern Methodist University
Vincent Gonzalez
UNC - Chapel Hill
Angela Zito
New York University
Jenna Tiitsman
UNC-Chapel Hill and Auburn Media
Matt Stahl
University of Western Ontario
Ryan Meniketti
St. Mary's College of California
Sonja Narunsky-Laden
University of Johannesburg
Isaac Weiner
Georgia State University
Liz Ellcessor
Indiana University
Karen Gonzalez Rice
Assistant Professor of Art History
Connecticut College
Jana Remy
UC Irvine
Samir Dayal
Bentley University
Ying Lv
Central South University
Samuel Salzinger
Student of Professor Dan Leopard
Lainey La Forge
Aaron Calbreath-Frasieur
University of Nottingham
Ann Williams
Georgia State University
Timothy Francisco
Youngstown State University
Lina Srivastava
Lina Srivastava Consulting
Jarah Moesch
University of Maryland, College Park, American Studies, doctoral student
Josh Kun
USC Annenberg School for Communication
Christine B Balance
Asian American Studies, UC Irvine
Kimberly Owczarski
University of Arizona
Randy Nichols
Assistant Professor
University of Washington Tacoma
Shannon Mattern
The New School
Jeremy Osner
Darcey West Morris
Georgia State University
Sophie Mayer
King's College, London
Robert Summers
Otis College of Art
Katie Englert
Northern Kentucky University
Anna SiegFried
a. joan Saab
University of Rochester
Alison Brzenchek
University of Massachusetts
Clay Farland
Boston University
Casey Brienza
University of Cambridge
Susana Cook
Independent Scholar
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